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Gifts from the Earth….. Nature’s Healing Herbs

The gardens at Cats Tail Farm are samples of the gifts of Mother Earth … from the cultivated calendula, coneflower, gentle rose and chamomile, to the powerful, wise and wild weeds that offer comfort and soothing to humans and their needs …. to the rare and treasured trillium, bloodroot, spikenard, goldenseal and ginseng plants that are near extinction due to their healing powers and commercial value.

These are some of our green allies found here at Cats Tail Farm who offer their green wisdom and physical selves for healing our body, mind and spirit. Those that are labeled “UpS At-Risk” plant or “UpS To-Watch” plant are of special importance due to plant population scarcity. May I suggest referring to “Peterson’s Field Guide, Eastern and Central Medicinal Plants” for more detail to aid in your own identification.

Please click on each thumbnail for a closer image of each plant.



